Diane Schafer-Gawel Associate Real Estate Broker

Integrity, Honesty, Dedication, Knowledge, and Fun A licensed real estate Associate Broker for 30 years plus management experience the past 18 years, servicing buyers, sellers, and agents in the WNY area. As the sales manager of our North town Location, Diane is looking to hire new and experienced agents that are interested in affiliating with a strong worldwide organization that would allow them to deliver a new level of products and services to the market. As a certified coach she provides personal 1 on 1 training and coaching to ensure her agents success. Please give her a call today to discuss your real estate needs, whether it's buying, selling, or a career. Client Testimonial: Hi Diane, I got your packet last week, thank you. Also You really made the process easy and I appreciated the fact that you lead the way for the rental. I'm so used to doing everything by myself it was refreshing for me to take the back seat and listen to how you thought things should go . Thank you so much for that. It was as stress free as it could of been. I love Adam and Lara and know they will be happy and take good care of the house. I will remember you when I chant and chant for your continued success! Nam myoho renge Kyo! Your friend, Jayne PS love the kitty card! Jayne Clark
* After the client and agent affiliated with CENTURY 21® Real Estate LLC complete a transaction, the client may be asked to provide feedback to help the CENTURY 21® System and sales professionals continuously improve. The affiliated agent's Overall Rating is an average of all ratings the agent has received. The specific survey responses shown were selected by the agent and were authorized by the client for display purposes. Some customers who provided a testimonial may have received a Starbucks gift card from their CENTURY 21 Sales Professional as a thank you for completing the customer satisfaction survey.

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Amherst Regional Office

4245 Maple Avenue,
Amherst NY 14226